miércoles, 20 de enero de 2010

Hi, everybody


My nick is"Mapachito" and I´m a spanish blogger. This is my first english blog, and i must recognize i don´t usually use wordpress.

My most old blog is http://ociosincrisis.blogspot.com , when i talk about free classroom, interinsting ways of getting some money with your hobbies and free lessons on mandarin chinese, the most of them in english-chinese.

I like many other things and i love animals. I only use CRUELTY FREE cosmetic, as a friend of mine called Txiqui. We both own http://denenas.blogspot.com , a spanish blog about fashion, beauty, health, recessionism and more female tags.

And i enjoy as a http://www.trivago.es member, one of the most important portal about traveling in my country.

I hope this new blog will be usefull to all you.

Regards from Mapachito.

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